Thursday, March 18, 2010

Demand for skilled maintenance personnel

Recently the PM announced some incentives to the aerospace industry in Malaysia. He also mentioned that the country requires 16,000 new personnel for the industry. Currently the number of aerospace/ aviation graduates that are produced by all the universities and colleges is very much smaller that the demand. As such MIGHT and EPU have been entrusted to strategize with the training providers in producing the required numbers to support the industry needs.

We are not alone in facing this shortages. ICAO an international body states that in their industry research within just ten years time, global commercial aviation will be facing shortfalls of over 400,000 skilled maintenance personnel. The figures are inline with studies conducted by IATA, Boeing and Airbus.

Due to this imbalanced between supply and demand, we will see the market demand for MIAT's graduates will be much more in the next few years.

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